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Innovative teaching tools are those that improve the learning experience and motivate students to self-learn.

Innovative tools for teaching

Innovative tools for teaching

Many people when they hear about innovation think of sophisticated ICT tools or convoluted mechanisms that consume the energy and patience of those involved. We can't blame them, they are more than used to it being this way. But innovative tools can be used for teaching without dying in the attempt.
While it is true that many digital tools lack sufficient empathy to adapt to the different groups that use them, it just takes a little common sense to make their use a success.
Sometimes technology does not adapt to the students and, of course, not all students are capable of adapting to the most complex ICT. A clear example of this is the timid successes (and even failures) of making the transition from traditional books to ebooks. On paper, the advantage of younger people not having to carry tons of material and the excellent predisposition of new generations to touch screens predicted a revolution. But, when push comes to shove, the change to digital content is not yet coming.
That is why the key is to understand, as we do at Grupo MainJobs, that under the umbrella of innovative tools for teaching there is more of a philosophy and a way of doing things than a cold and hard technology.

concrete examples

The training actually has three different stages. Whether before, during or after, instruments can be integrated that improve the experience and facilitate learning:

  1. Before: WhatsApp groups to disseminate schedules, information and advance micropills of the main contents (Flipped Classroom).
  2. During: Empowerment of Visual Thinking with the use of infographics linked to an Instagram account, instead of heavy manuals. They can also be complemented with audio in podcast and/or screencast format of real cases adapted to the particular profile of the students.
  3. After: Monitoring of support groups on WhatsApps to foster a sense of community and the continuation of training with the creation of training itineraries to tend towards self-training and PLE.

In many cases, they are “low-tech” solutions that require more of a small change in mentality in the organization and participants than large technological investments.

Innovative tools for teaching. Andalusia Digital Commitment Conference

A few months ago we were awarded the tender that is launched every year Andalusia Digital Commitment, one of the most important in the field of training in Spain. On other occasions we have been responsible for the online part, but this year we are also in charge of the in-person batch, which means coordinating training actions to fight against digital divide in more than 82 municipalities throughout Andalusia. This is a logistical and human resources challenge that also requires the implementation of innovative tools for teaching and, above all, empathetic with the priority groups to whom they are directed.
On the occasion of the start of this important project, an information session will be held in Malaga at the Illustrious College of Physicians where the pool of teachers from the 2016/17 academic year will be present and innovation in digital training will be discussed.

Communication Mainjobs