He Municipal Institute for Training and Employment (IMFE) has entrusted Grupo Mainjobs the design and development of the training itineraries for assistant technician for cleaning surfaces and furniture in buildings and premises, toy library assistant and men's hairdressing and barbershop assistant, for the development of the AQUILEO project belonging to the Employment, Training and Education Operational Program ( POEFE) of the European Social Fund.
These training programs aim improve the socio-labor insertion of people belonging to the most vulnerable groups, through activation and integrated and personalized itineraries for the insertion of training content in highly employable occupations.
The training itineraries are structured into training programs with specific training, and also include transversal training modules and complementary training, as well as 100 hours of complementary non-work practices, which will allow students to establish close contact with the world of work, providing added value to their integration itinerary.
This project reinforces the role of Grupo Mainjobs as a reference entity in training projects within the framework of the POEFE, aimed at improving professional skills and employability, especially when these are aimed at vulnerable groups.
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