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How to work as a team? A necessity for sustainability

How to work as a team? The faith of companionship.

How to work as a team? The faith of companionship.

The faith of fellowship

The conception of work evolves according to the paradigms or trends set by factors such as society or the market. In reference to this, new models and ways of understanding the way of working in organizations have emerged that have almost entirely replaced other more outdated ones. And yes, of course, this new system of conceiving the way of working is none other than teamwork. But the question of how to work as a team? , is not easy to answer.
Some organizations are more concerned with the benefits and sale of their products and/or services than with taking into account the needs of a worker, without considering this the main engine for a successful production process and being perfectly possible in their structure. organizational. Here business culture also counts.

Results versus active collaboration dynamics

The workers of a company need to feel part of it and consider that their work is useful and necessary, in addition to taking them into account in the decisions and actions they will undertake in the medium, long or short term; These are not machines, but rather human beings who require the understanding and support of other peers who take their considerations into account. From this arises the interest of businessmen so that the staff creates links between the members of the groups, to work in an environment of harmony, camaraderie, respect and with the freedom of opinion of the other; These are considered the fundamental values to produce good results and lead to better performance in the workplace.
Teamwork is usually guided by a leader (not a boss) who will lead them to achieve goals and objectives. This will always promote creativity and competitiveness among themselves, innovating and looking for new trends to be pioneers in the market and in the sector.

How to work as a team?

Assembling the perfect team is not an easy task. Within these work teams, the members that comprise them present different capabilities and qualities unique to the teams; These capabilities are committed to a purpose, a work objective or a common approach in order to share a responsibility. Working as a team increases responsibilities, commitments and goals, focusing on the people who make it up, thinking about satisfying the needs of the group and aimed at achieving success. For this, the members, according to Mark Miller, they need three ingredients:

  • Talent.
  • Abilities.
  • Unit.

Large companies choose for their workers to be integrated into a work team, where the goals and objectives are very clear and precise; In addition, workers will reduce work stress and the costs that caused a lack of interest in work, with the consequent increase in productivity.
