MainJobs Group collaborates in the delivery of the training itineraries of the Alhaurín de la Torre Town Hall. The application period is now open for third call of the Fórmate Project- Alhaurín de la Torre, framed within the Operational Program for Employment, Training and Education (POEFE), subsidized by the European Social Fund and intended for local entities to co-finance initiatives or projects to promote social inclusion, the fight against poverty and any form of discrimination.
All information for interested persons is available in the Jabalcuza Municipal Training and Employment Center, located on Calle Caldera s/n from nine thirty in the morning to one thirty in the afternoon; writing to email:, or by calling the phone number: 662 635 149.
On this occasion, the call includes a total of seven courses of training in subjects that are currently in high demand, of which the MainJobs Group provides: Auxiliary Agricultural Activities (400 hours); Warehouse/Forklifts (300 hours) and Construction (470 hours).
A series of hours of transversal and complementary training will also be taught in each of the itineraries in equal opportunities, equal treatment, non-discrimination and fight against social exclusion, sustainable development, care and respect for the environment, job search, skills and prevention of occupational risks.
The Fórmate-Alhaurín de la Torre Project has already started six training itineraries in the first phase and another four in the second phase. In these ten courses, a total of 136 people have been trained. More information and registration at the following link: