On the 31st, the press conference took place to present the Fórmate Project-Alhaurín de la Torre, with the presence of the mayor, Joaquín Villanova, and the Councilor for Training, María del Mar Martínez. Mainjobs Group, as a collaborator of this project, did not want to miss this important event for the municipality.

The Fórmate-Alhaurín de la Torre project has the objective of benefit people in situations of risk or social exclusion, through the activation of integrated and personalized itineraries. Framed in the so-called Operational Program for Employment, Training and Education (POEFE) and with co-financing from the European Social Fund and the City Council itself, the purpose of this aid is to fight for greater social inclusion and combat poverty and discrimination.
From Grupo Mainjobs, we will train 60 people in 4 itineraries:
- Care for dependent people in social institutions.
- Auxiliary activities in nurseries, gardens and garden centers.
- Hydrothermal.
- Installation and maintenance of gardens and green areas.
Between 360 and 600 hours, these itineraries facilitate obtaining Professional Certificates, that is, official accreditations that demonstrate the competence to perform a job.
At Grupo Mainjobs we always put enthusiasm and energy into everything we do and even more so when it comes to helping disadvantaged groups.
Request your place online at the following link: https://alhaurindelatorre.es/poefe