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MainJobs Group is recognized by the Andalusian Women's Institute as a company free of harassment towards women

MainJobs Group is recognized by the Andalusian Women's Institute as a company free of harassment towards women


MainJobs Group is recognized by the Junta of Andalusia and the Andalusian Women's Institute, as a company free of harassment towards women.

We join this manifesto making LOUD and CLEAR that Mainjobs Group is against sexual harassment and harassment based on sex, understanding that both constitute forms of violence against women and that they not only attack sexual freedom, but also harm the fundamental right to integrity and constitute an attack against dignity and professional and personal development.

We fight for equality between women and men, improving our social responsibility, our work environment and our competitiveness. Therefore we subscribe to the following 9 points:

  • Our companies are a space for professional and work development and as such guarantee the dignity of women, as well as ensuring the prevention of discriminatory behavior and the provision of active policies to make effective the principle of equality between women and men.
  • We establish a permanent framework of respect towards people, which excludes those expressions and behaviors that may be intimidating, especially towards women.
  • We will ensure that our company personnel are aware of this commitment and preventive and supportive measures that we assume.
  • We train responsible people of human resources and those who make up the management teams related to sexual harassment and harassment based on sex or sexist.
  • We have participation and complaint mechanisms, in case of detection of any sign of sexual or gender-based discrimination or harassment.
  • we will not tolerate harassing attitudes based on sex, nor retaliation for the demand or effective exercise of the principle of equality between women and men.
  • The professional prestige of workers is a right. Under no circumstances will we be complicit in behavior that ridicules or belittles our colleagues.
  • In the event of sexual harassment or harassment based on sex, we will always maintain the discretion and confidentiality.
  • We have a equality plan, which establishes the attitudes, behaviors and resources of companies in this matter.
Communication Mainjobs