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At the end of the 90s, e-learning was already a reality in certain educational sectors. What began as primitive mailing lists progressed to the creation of standards such as Moodle, generating A revolution that changed the educational opportunities of millions of people around the world.
Later, with the arrival of the Post-PC era, we went crazy eliminating the flash modules and making all the courses responsive so that students could see and train from the palm of their hand.
After almost three decades of e-learning, the majority of people, entities and organizations have not realized the structural failure we face.
Both face-to-face and online training are misinterpreting the real needs of a student characterized by:

  • Most smartphone and tablet users They only use seven applications (email, browser, WhatsApp, Instagram, one or two games, YouTube, etc.), none of which is commonly used for education.
  • Attention deficit chronic and increasing that implies difficulties in reading comprehension and lack of autonomy in complex digital work environments.
  • Less time availability and predisposition to effort of the students.
  • No skills to use a PC. Today, 56% of Japanese people between 10 and 19 years old have never used a PC (are lost among the new generations of university students).

Regardless of the starting socioeconomic or educational conditions of the students, we are faced with the challenge of understanding that society has changed and that we cannot continue thinking of teletraining as a simple pedagogical adaptation of the face-to-face training model. That would be a blunder and would make us lose the opportunity to make an impact with value-added AAFF.
Let's look at an example of the type of training (RA-Training) that students really need today: Manual for a mother made with augmented reality.

At Mainjobs we have already begun to offer training adapted to current students, incorporating the MOOC “Are you ready to compete? “Digital transformation for SMEs?” a intelligent educational bot via Telegram.
@EdigiBot, created by Ana Infantes and first robotic teacher in history, allows students to find answers to their doubts at any time of the day or night from an application that is familiar to you, totally removed from complex educational platforms that test your patience.  
He human-bot interdisciplinary team of this MOOC has introduced more than fifty students to the teleformation of the present, adapted to their true capabilities and needs.
Furthermore, @EdigiBot has been able to understand that current students are consumers and prosumers (produces content), but also feeling and therefore, has taken care of meeting their emotional needs.
@EdigiBot, Neurotrainer par excellence, has involved the students in their “robotic life”, telling them their story as a newborn bot that has been growing and learning alongside the students, even confessing to them that they have fallen in love (with Big Data, things that happen). .

We are not talking about the teletraining of the future. We are already creating the teleformation of the present. Do you still
doubts? Take a look at this video and you will see how your little heart is touched: Art and augmented reality

As you can see, e-learning now has a soul and understands that to teach you have to approach students through the technological tools they use daily and understanding their emotional needs.
In conclusion, E-learning must be within the reach of the palm of the students' hands, but also their hearts.

Communication Mainjobs