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Training in digital transformation for Andalusia Emprende

Training in digital transformation for Andalusia Emprende

At Grupo Mainjobs we continue to offer solutions regarding digital transformation to Public Administration. This time it is Andalucía Emprende, the Andalusian Public Foundation, the entity that entrusts us with the training of your technical staff in this matter.

This course, which will be taught online, will train the Administration's technical staff to effectively and up-to-date address the needs of entrepreneurial and self-employed people in these times of special difficulties, caused by the COVID 19 pandemic. Specifically, the course will develop content on the opportunities for integrating digital business into business strategy, defining the necessary tools so that freelancers and entrepreneurs can improve their businesses, orienting them towards the digital framework. The promotion of digital business can be a key resource so that many businesses continue to grow in a context as complex as the current one.

Mainjobs Group has been around for years contributing at different levels with digital training in Andalusia, and this new project represents another pillar within our commitment to the digitalization of the Andalusian business fabric.


Communication Mainjobs