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Contratos de formacion para fomentar el empleo joven

Contracts for training

Contracts for training

Company and workers, everyone wins!

The training contract is a type of employment contract designed to encourage the hiring of young people (under 30 years of age) while pursuing professional training and accreditation in the performance of a job.


Benefits for the company:

  • 0 cost in Social Security contributions. Reduction of contributions to 100% for companies with less than 250 workers and 75% for companies with more than 250 workers.
  • 0 cost in training. The worker receives training related to his occupation and the company the bonus is 100 %.
  • Bonus tutoring. Additional bonus to finance tutoring costs in the company, with up to 80 euros monthly, depending on the number of hours and the size of the workforce.
  • More incentives: for transformation into indefinite with maintenance of at least 3 years: incentive of €1,500/year or €1,800/year in the case of women.



Benefits for the worker:

  • Total social protection.
  • Unemployment contribution.
  • Obtaining an official qualification.


Worker requirements:

  • They do not have qualifications for an internship contract.
  • Between 16 and 25 years old (under 30 years old until the unemployment rate is below 15%).
  • No age limit for people with disabilities and for students participating in employment and training projects.


Duration and distribution of the day between work and training activities:

The Minimum contract duration will be 1 year and maximum 3 years. However, a different duration may be established by collective agreement.

The effective working time, which will have to be compatible with the time dedicated to training activities, may not be higher than 75% during the first year, or 85%, during the second and third years, of the maximum working day provided for in the collective agreement, or, failing that, of the maximum legal working day.


Worker's remuneration:

The remuneration will be set in accordance with the provisions of the company collective agreement. In no case will the remuneration be less than the Minimum Interprofessional Wage.


Ask us about the currently approved occupations and we will look for the one that suits your needs!

Did you know...?

Monthly savings resulting from the training and learning contract
Sector Commerce (Food) Hospitality (Waiter) Construction (2nd Officer)
Type of contract Training Work or Service Training Work or Service Training Work or Service
Social insurance 0 385,01 0 446,48 0 693,31
1st year salary 849,37 1.142,47 1.035,14 1.380,18 1.206,10 1.819,69
Total company expenses 849,37 1.527,48 1.035,14 1.826,66 1.206,10 2.513,00
Difference -678,11 € -791,52 € -1.306,90 €
% difference -44.39% -43,33% -52,01%

What we offer?

A comprehensive service adapted to your needs:

  • We help you optimize labor costs.
  • If you need it, you we preselect candidates.
  • We process with Employment Services and TGSS.
  • Of course, we provide training.

Everything your company needs…

If you have any doubts...