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Femvertising to empower women and avoid stereotypes

Femvertising, responsible advertising

Femvertising, responsible advertising

Marketing that empowers women: Femvertising.

A little common sense and/or sensitivity is enough. Doing Femvertising is easy.

Femvertising is a new advertising concept that empowers women and represents them in a positive way, not only fighting against the gender stereotypes that they reject, but encouraging them to be what they want to be, opening to all generations a world of possibilities that until now were not contemplated.

Public and private institutions, media, companies and brands of all kinds must be demanding and careful with the content they generate, with the awareness and/or marketing campaigns they disseminate and with the activities they carry out due to their moral obligation to actively contribute to social improvement and the fight against the invisibility and/or deformation of the image of women in society.
Different studies reflect the discomfort of women (and society in general) with advertising campaigns that perpetuate discriminatory gender roles or images.
Large corporations have already realized that it is not enough to just not make sexist advertisements. Now they need Femvertising to improve society, empower women and (even) increase their sales.
Is it so difficult to please women then? Absolutely. Many brands achieve this on a daily basis. Companies like Unilever either Nike, Pantene, Google, Playtex and Chevrolet They have managed not only to satisfy the public with the greatest decision-making power in the market (see data below), but they have also managed to turn their advertisements into monuments to Femvertising.
And as monuments they are, everyone talks about them. Have been made viral, are shared by millions of women (and men) grateful to finally feel well represented and portrayed.
Doing Femvertising is easy. A little common sense and/or sensitivity is enough. And the effort is worth it. In addition to improving the world by representing women in a positive way and showing the infinite range of options available to current and future generations, companies will see their small investment turn into big benefits.
Each Femvertising sample has become more viral than the last, each advertisement has been shared more vigorously on social networks, each company has seen its efforts rewarded.
Some information to keep in mind:
During the Advertising Week 2014, the platform SheKnows presented the results of a survey on the impact of this type of advertising, with the following conclusions:

  • 52% of respondents purchased a product because they liked how a brand portrayed women in its advertising.
  • 45% shared pro-women ads with others.
  • 46% followed an advertiser on social media for their advertising campaigns.
  • 51% appreciated the campaigns because they broke gender stereotypes.
  • 90% of women feel that marketers do not understand them, according to the Women at Ecommerce by Let's Bonus observatory.
  • A study carried out by Unilever, a pioneering company in Femvertising and leader in the ranking of the most sustainable companies on the planet (coincidence?), concluded that the 40% of women do not feel identified with the women they see in advertising and that a third of women consider that advertisements show them as men see them and not as they are.
  • Women make 70% of purchasing decisions in the world, the 80% in Spain.And 80 % of online purchasing decisions, according to the Women at Ecommerce by Let's Bonus observatory.
  • Regarding social networks,  56 % of the total users are women. Women use networks to educate themselves, to entertain themselves, to stay up to date, to (as we saw before) make what they like go viral and to compare prices, user experiences, advantages or disadvantages of a product or service, etc.

It's not just that women can hold power, it's that in the field of shopping they are already doing so. That is why companies must introduce Femvertising into their DNA. They must do it for corporate social responsibility, that is, because of their ethical duty to contribute as much as possible to progress and social well-being and (also) because it prevents them from reaching a large part of their potential clientele.
If Google takes women into account when making its doodles, it is not (only) because they are very altruistic. It is because focusing marketing (also) on women brings important benefits, tipping the balance towards the one who makes the majority of the decisions and also getting free publicity thanks to the virality that is generated when a woman likes an advertisement.

Spain ended 2015 with a population of 23,695,618 women, which represents 50,93% of the total. And that 50,93% still does not feel identified with the reflection that public and private organizations project of them.

It is time to really know what more than half of the citizens need, feel and suffer from. It is time to listen instead of impose. It is time to compensate the older generations for the neglect they have suffered and to encourage women of all ages and conditions (including the youngest) to be what they really want to be and not what others want them to be. .
Improving the world is easy and even lucrative. If you don't do it for (the present and) the future of everyone, do it for your company/brand. It will benefit society without you realizing it.
If you want to expand your knowledge, complete the FORM and we will send you a White Paper with more information.

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