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Citizen training platforms

Citizen training platforms

The most collaborative training

Spanish society is evolving towards socioeconomic models with greater transparency and involvement of everyone. Clear examples are the participatory budgets and public opinion polling. The objectives of all these initiatives are to improve communication between institutions and citizens and, fundamentally, to quickly and concisely satisfy the needs that the latter has.

One of the most recurrent demands of these groups is usually training.

MainJobs Group has previous experience on all shores, institutionally, in training and in dealing with social representatives.

Did you know...?

In Spain there are more than a thousand citizen platforms, not counting the Neighborhood Associations, spread throughout the national territory. Those focused on the defense of education and the vindication of women's rights stand out.

What we offer?

  • Analysis of training needs.
  • Adaptation of the proposal to the budgetary and technological reality of the target students.
  • Monitoring and updating via new calls.
  • Integration of teachers of the group.
If you have any doubts...