Maximum diffusion with maximum quality
Moocs are a modality of open education that is observed in undergraduate courses offered free of charge through educational platforms in Internet whose philosophy is release of knowledge so that it reaches many more people.
Having a MOOC helps you:
In a strategy of content marketing or of brand projection, both for private companies and public corporations, to have this tool, which generates a wide community of prosumers, represents an innovative tactic of Inbound marketing that provides added value and differentiation from the competition.
Globalized training has first come from the hands of universities and non-governmental organizations, and then it became another instrument of shared culture and open teaching. An important part of MOOCs is found in gamification and the social impact that for many professionals means not only achieving degrees but also constituting leaders in their sector when helping the community resolving doubts or providing their own materials.
Simultaneously, many private corporations, as part of their social work policies or as part of content marketing campaigns or simply to publicize and train in the technical innovations they are developing, have created «commercial moocs» that they update as those products or services are iterated.
Areas such as computer language programming, artistic creation or industrial design have been seduced by MOOCs.
The characteristics of a MOOC are: