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Instructional Design: Guidelines for the consistent creation of educational content

Instructional, quality hidden design

Instructional, quality hidden design

Instructional design

When we create a course virtually, we have to be aware that a series of variables come into play that we will have to take into account when designing and planning it, one of these variables is that the interaction between the student and the teacher is is governed by two screens, without any physical contact. Instructional design plays a fundamental role, but What is instructional design?
Although we are not very used to hearing this term, and in some cases it may sound like “Chinese”, it will be the process that will help us analyze, develop, implement and evaluate everything that the construction of the course entails (strategies). learning, evaluation systems, competencies, objectives, structures, content to be developed,...).


In this way, we have to think that when taking a course in this modality, the contents have to be attractive, clear and concise, the structures have to be clear, the platform where it is located has to be easy to use for the student. , and we can achieve all this thanks to this design.
Therefore, it is essential that we are aware that no matter how much technology or good content we have, without an adequate instructional design, it will be difficult to achieve the training objectives pursued by the course.
Likewise, it is essential that we do not leave aside what the instructional design process is, in relation to the production and implementation of educational resources or in the face of creation of virtual learning environments, since it is a guarantee of rigor and validity of the entire process, which will make it possible for us to create quality training in which students can develop and acquire these new knowledge and skills.
In other words, this design will be the basis that will guarantee that technology will not override student learning, reaffirming that the pedagogical aspect is a fundamental factor in the construction of learning, whether in a technological medium or not.
Below, I leave you a video in which we can see the result of a “good destructive design”. From here, I believe that each one will be able to draw their own conclusions about whether the application of good instructional design is useful in achieving quality training.
