More than 100 digitalization projects
More than 100 training projects in digital skills, development of new platforms and ICT employability underway by 2023At Mainjobs we consolidate our leadership in the field of digital transformation. Our objective is clear: facilitate access, use and development of new technologies for society through innovation, training and guidance adapted to each group.
Among others, the latest project awarded by the Ministry of Industry through the EOI Foundation, in which Mainjobs will train more than 1,100 management positions of Andalusian SMEs in digitalization to guarantee the improvement of productivity and the internationalization of their organizations, as well as their adaptation to new business needs.

In 2022 SEPE awarded us a project in which we committed to train more than 27,000 women from rural environments in digital matters from the province of Córdoba. This initiative, which will continue its development until 2024, is being a complete success, exceeding the different milestones and objectives proposed even earlier than expected. Digital Women Córdoba is, furthermore, one of the many examples in which the public administration demonstrates its awareness of the importance of bringing digitalization closer to those groups that can benefit the most from it, and of the great social impact that the projects executed by Mainjobs can get to have.
Mainjobs presence in the Spanish geography
At Mainjobs we also have a presence in the northern part of the country, with various projects in Galicia, Cantabria, Asturias or Navarra. As far as digital training is concerned, we have recently started 'Digital Training Cantabria' and 'Navarra ICT'. The first, promoted by the Government of Cantabria, aims to guarantee the digital inclusion of Cantabrian citizens through different training itineraries with free access in person or online. On the other hand, in the region of Navarra and through an award from the Navarrese Employment Service, We are training professionals in the ICT sector to specialize in cybersecurity, giving them the opportunity to expand their career prospects.
Also within the field of cybersecurity, this week, our business school EIP International Business School has started its training program for unemployed youth, through a SEPE award. The participating students, after successfully completing the training, will go to work SIA with a qualified position.
Another group that benefits from the training programs carried out by Mainjobs is the Spanish civil service, with programs such as the one we carry out to the Ministry of Defense, aimed at improving the digital skills of the Spanish Navy. This is a tailored training in online mode designed to improve skills of members of the Navy in essential areas to respond to the demands of the Ministry's activity, such as office automation.
Of course, one of the great driving forces of society could not be left out: the business community. In this area we help companies of all sectors and sizes to embark on digital transformation, making the most of their available means. For example, we can talk about Digital Transformation Training Program of the Junta de Extremadura or the Advice for the digital transformation of commercial activity in the Ciutat Vella district, among many others.
This is just a small sample of the hundred projects currently being executed by our team of expert consultants, which demonstrate the transformative power that public administration, with the support of a solid company prepared to face the challenges of digitalization, can have in society.