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Cybersecurity an operational necessity for companies

Cybersecurity, a transversal problem

Cybersecurity, a transversal problem

The figures of cyber attacks to companies and also to vital infrastructure such as hospitals, water treatment plants, energy supplies, etc. They are alarming. Only the cases that have a more mediatic nature appear on the front pages of the newspapers, with the rest of the incidents, silent or silenced, being those that represent a greater threat to citizens and to companies, regardless of their size or activity. Medium and high intensity cybersecurity must be present in all companies regardless of its size.


Spyware, Trojans, phishing... are just some of the many intimidating terms that the attacks of hackers, crackers and phreakers introduce into our lives every time their ingenuity overcomes, even for a short period of time, the tenacity of antiviruses, firewalls and antispyware.


Currently, an average of 9,500 cases monthly, being the list of victims increasingly broad and heterogeneous, from banks, newspapers and universities to ordinary citizens and SMEs.

The latest trend is information hijacking. The attacked system suffers partial or total encryption of its folders and the digital criminal demands a large sum in exchange for returning access to our contents. they call it ransomware, a modality that will go further with the Internet of things (IoT). According to expert John Lyons, in four years we will go from 15 to 200 billion (American) gadgets of this type, which allow us, for example, to quantify our sporting activities and monitor our health, but represent a gold mine for friends of the foreign 2.0.


We must also think that our digital self has a personal and a professional side that are totally connected to each other, so the security of a good system must reach tablets, phones, laptops, smart watches and any device that stores sensitive data.


Fountain: Technology El País.

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