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PMP Certification

Become internationally accredited as a Project Manager Professional (PMP)® or as a Certified Associate (CAPM) ®

Everything you need to get your certification


Include this certification in your CV and LinkedIn profile and differentiate yourself from other project managers.

Approval guarantee. 

Accompaniment until the official exam.

Bonus for companies.

The training you were looking for: 

Obtain PMP (Project Management Professional) certification

Obtain 40 PDUs for the renewal of your PMI certifications.

Small groups.

Possibility of Networking with other professionals.


Introduction to project management

  • Practical information about PMP and CAPM certifications
  • Overview and purpose
  • Projects and Project Management
  • Projects, Programs, Portfolios and Operations
  • Adaptation
  • Business documents

The environment and role of the project manager

  • Company Environmental Factors
  • Assets of the Organization's Processes
  • Organizational Systems
  • The Project Director
  • The Project Director's sphere of influence
  • Project Director Competencies

Integration management

  • Develop the Project Constitution
  • Develop the Project Management Plan
  • Direct and Manage Project Work
  • Manage Project Knowledge
  • Monitor and Control Project Work
  • Perform Integrated Change Control
  • Close the Project

Integration management

  • Develop the Project Constitution
  • Develop the Project Management Plan
  • Direct and Manage Project Work
  • Manage Project Knowledge
  • Monitor and Control Project Work
  • Perform Integrated Change Control
  • Close the Project

Scope management

  • Plan scope management
  • Collect Requirements
  • Define the Scope
  • Create the WBS/WBS
  • Validate Scope
  • Control Scope

Schedule management

  • Plan Schedule Management
  • Define Activities
  • Sequence Activities
  • Estimate Duration of Activities
  • Develop the Schedule
  • Control the Schedule

Cost management

  • Plan Cost Management
  • Estimate Costs
  • Determine the Budget
  • Control Costs

Risk management

  • Plan Risk Management
  • Identify Risks
  • Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis
  • Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis
  • Plan Risk Response
  • Implement Risk Response
  • Monitor Risks

Procurement management

  • Plan Project Acquisition Management
  • Carry out Acquisitions
  • Control Acquisitions

Procurement management

  • Plan Project Acquisition Management
  • Carry out Acquisitions
  • Control Acquisitions

Stakeholder management

  • Identify Interested Parties
  • Plan Stakeholder Engagement
  • Manage Stakeholder Engagement
  • Monitor Stakeholder Engagement

Agile Management

  • Introduction to Agility
  • Life Cycle Selection
  • Agility Implementation
  • Organizational Considerations for Agility

Quality management

  • Plan Quality Management
  • Manage Quality
  • Control Quality

Resource management

  • Plan Resource Management
  • Estimate Activity Resources
  • Acquire Resources
  • Develop the Team
  • Lead the Team
  • Control Resources

Communications management

  • Plan Communications Management
  • Manage Communications
  • Monitor Communications

Ethics and professional responsibility

Questions frequent

One year from when the fees are paid.

You can do it in person or online.

The duration is 230 minutes to ask a total of 180 questions.

– University degree plus 36 months of experience in project management.

– Secondary degree plus 60 months of experience in project management.

Find out now. 

Provide us with your information and we will call you.

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Declaration of truth
Processing of personal data
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