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It is a powerful tool communication with interest groups.

Preparation of Sustainability Reports

As defined by the GRI, a Sustainability Report is a document that sets out information about the economic, environmental, social and governance performance of an organization. It is a powerful tool communication with interest groups, developed with a standard recognized with which all the sustainability reports of listed companies are prepared, which allows you to measure and disclose as well as account for your performance.


It is not a required action at the moment, but there are already signs that it will begin to be required in certain areas (National CSR Plan). Is useful for those companies that have a CSR strategy, and they want to advance it, communicating their achievements and progress to their stakeholders. It is also a powerful tool communication and marketing placing the company at the level of large companies and listed companies.


When using a international standard such as G4 Global Reporting Initiative, allows you to compare yourself with other organizations and use the information prepared with other initiatives such as the Global Compact, or the implementation of corporate social responsibility management systems.


Did you know...?

The realization of a Sustainability Report is important to facilitate stakeholders' understanding of sustainability performance and impacts, as well as influencing long-term management policies and strategy, as well as business plans.

  • Company type: An SME that has worked throughout its history on CSR issues, but cannot find a way to communicate, in a systematic way, its commitment, its actions, as well as its achievements and progress on relevant CSR issues.
  • Action plan: A Sustainability Report has been prepared that has allowed it to give greater visibility to its strategy, be able to disseminate it, and achieve recognition from its main interest groups.
  • What did they get?: Greater recognition for your efforts.


Is this your case?, Get in contact with us (If you click here we will take you directly to the form)! :-)

What we offer?

We help you prepare a sustainability report to:

  • Improve understanding of the risks and opportunities you may face.
  • Improve their reputation and brand loyalty.
  • Compare and evaluate sustainability performance with respect to what is established in laws, standards, codes, operating standards and voluntary initiatives over time.
  • Comply with national regulations or with requirements of the Stock Exchanges (if you quote or aspire to quote).

< €6,000

depending on the size of the company

If you have any doubts...