It "smart" applied to sales.
The Commercial Audit is a strategic tool for sales improvement, which is used to analyze the policy of sales of the business organization, allows to know its strengths and the aspects to improve, provides information on the implementation of an action plan, with a recommended calendar, about the proposed improvement actions.
It involves an analysis process external and impartial, through which studies commercial activity of the company, with the objective of improve efficiency in operations and achieving the quantitative results necessary for the survival of the company.
The Commercial Audit process is developed through various stages:
Carrying out a Commercial Audit helps to:
Phase I: Commercial Environment Audit.
Phase II: Audit of the Commercial Strategy.
Phase III: Audit of the Commercial Organization.
Phase IV: Audit of Commercial Systems.
Phase V: Commercial Productivity Audit.
Phase VI: Audit of Commercial Functions.
Phase VII: Presentation of Strategic Axes of Action.