Where are you, how are you and where do you want to go......
The launching pad to a new job.
Health of human resources and their strengthening.
Talent as the main corporate capital.
Discover the "ingenuity" of our own HR.
Peripheral vision in personnel selection and performance improvement.
Your recruitment ad hoc.
Your mine of permanent talents.
Tactics and strategy for your organization's HR.
On-demand analysis for business environments.
The expertise and talent of the people that make the organization more powerful.
Each sheep with its HR partner.
Reconciliation between organizational need and available resources.
Convert information into useful corporate knowledge, to achieve efficiency in business policies and practices.
Yes it is a cliché but companies can grow in the short term in turnover but if they do not do so with bigger and better competencies of the people who form it In the long run they will stagnate. You need a plan, our plan, concrete, practical and real where a detailed competency analysis It turns an organization into a living being where each piece fits together, greased to function as a whole.
We the we call Emotional TechniqueYes, as you heard, not only knowing can be improved, but also being.