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Mainjobs runs more than 100 public projects for digital training during the European Year of Skills

Mainjobs runs more than 100 public projects for digital training during the European Year of Skills

Importance of training and continuous training

2023 has been named as the European Year of Skills by the European Commission, with the objective is to raise awareness in society about the importance of training and continuous training, to promote the acquisition of skills and knowledge relevant to the labor market and daily life, and promote inclusion and equal opportunities in education and training.

The European Commission, in cooperation with the European Parliament, Member States and other public bodies, has launched thison initiative to achieve greater, more effective and inclusive investment in training and improvement of society's skills, as well as the guarantee that training projects are fully aligned with the labor market.

To achieve these objectives, The EU will launch different programs to bring us closer to that fully qualified society for the professional demands that exist today. For example, the European Skills Agenda, he Pact for Capacities or one EU talent pool.

Our commitment to training and society

In the case of Mainjobs, we are in a key year in terms of training of society, with more than 100 projects training and/or technological programs focused on the training and continuous education of key groups, devising and executing innovative and personalized solutions for companies, working or unemployed people and organizations from all sectors and levels, thanks to the technical capacity of our consulting team and the trust that the public administration places in it.

These projects aim to improve the capabilities of citizens and public employees at the local, regional and General State Administration levels. Of all of them, Those focused on labor reintegration have special social significance. of unemployed people, such as the job orientation program carried out for the Public Employment Service of the Principality of Asturias (SEPEPA), or those that advocate for closing the digital gender gap, such as the digital training program for women in rural areas of Córdoba, awarded by the SEPE.

Within the framework of the European Year of Skills, We reaffirm our commitment to the promotion and development of digital training programs for the personal and professional development of people, as well as innovation in the business fabric in a work context as competitive as the current one.

Communication Mainjobs