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Product Description

Professionals interested in expanding and improving their commercial and sales knowledge as part of their professional career development.

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Commercial planning
Business organization
Telephone contacts
Commercial visits

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The participant will master the essential fundamentals to develop correct business planning and organization, will know the rules on commercial telephone contacts to arrange interviews and how to apply commercial techniques in them.

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Module I. Commercial leadership

– Commercial leadership
Planning and organization of companies to achieve business success. Keys to intervene from the motivation of employees to the decision making of our clients.

- The leadership
Study topics such as purchasing between managers and leaders; leadership theories on work teams; hierarchies and work motivation…

– Commercial organization
Explains the structure and design of a commercial organization and the types of commercial organizations that we can find. Study concepts such as the organizational chart and functions within the organization, technology, structure...

– Commercial planning
Presents theories on business planning and business cost analysis. Planning of sales, media and promotions.

– The Sale and its Treatment
It presents techniques to directly influence the final decisions of our clients to achieve our objectives while reinforcing loyalty with them. Presentation of the company and its products.

– Oratory and its Structure
Theories about discourse, its phases and the repercussions of the wave effect of communication.

Module II. Sales interview and telephone contact

– Sales interview and telephone contact
Examines the sales process, describing the techniques used to carry it out. To do this, it shows how to make a correct telephone contact, the beginning of the conversation, how to act in the face of the client's various attitudes and how to arrange an interview. Once the interview has been achieved, the techniques of the sales process are explained to successfully complete the interview and make a sale.

– Selling by satisfying needs
Brief introduction of the sales process, mentioning its techniques. Two companies and their sales representatives and work methods are presented.

– Telephone contact
It shows the attitudes of two salespeople, giving us an example of how to start a telephone conversation, how to speak and behave, as well as the inconveniences that we may encounter and what we must convey to the interlocutor to confirm an interview.

– The sales interview
The importance of properly preparing an interview and how to close a sale using sales techniques by satisfying needs is described. It also shows what happens if these techniques are not followed.

Module III. Sales techniques

– Sales techniques
Explains that a seller is not only dedicated to selling, but must collect the maximum number of collaborating customers, that is, that customers are satisfied with the products that the company provides. To do this, the different techniques and procedures to carry out a good negotiation will be seen.

– Introduction to the company
Defines what the company is and what its origins are. It describes the basic structure that a company must have, showing the departments and explaining the functions carried out in each of them. It defines what the company's environment is and what threats and opportunities can impact it.

– Introduction to Marketing
Introduces the definition of marketing as the company's objective of creating a bond with the population, that is, with potential customers. To do this you will have to answer the four questions: what?, when?, where? and how? Shows how to obtain information and how to use it to create the company's marketing plan.

– The commercial department
It describes the evolution that the commercial department of companies has experienced, delving into the current situation, where we can find different types of organization depending on the type of company. It describes the functions of the department, as well as the tasks of its workers, such as the commercial director, sales manager and the salesperson.

– Activities, functions of the seller
It shows everything related to the figure of the seller, what profile he or she must meet, what are the characteristics of a good seller and explains that the function of the seller is not only to sell. The seller has several activities and in this chapter he defines them for us. Describes the most common sales mistakes and how to avoid them.

- Sales
Explains the concept of sales, showing the forms of sales that can be found, as well as the different types of sales in which they can be classified depending on who they are directed to. It shows the different profitability calculations that exist to value sales and sellers by the company and the sellers themselves.

- The client
He explains that a salesperson is not only dedicated to selling, but also to strengthening relationships with customers. In this chapter he shows us how to classify clients according to various factors, so that their identification is easier later.

- The negotiation
Explains the communication process and the importance of being a good communicator when negotiating. It shows how to carry out the entire negotiation process from the first contact to its conclusion, indicating how to take advantage of the objections presented by the client. Make a classification according to the characters of the clients, in order to know how to act in front of each type of client.

– Non-verbal communication
Study the importance of non-verbal communication, showing the meaning of the gestures that people make. In this way, the seller can obtain additional information and know if the customer is interested. In addition, it shows what distances should be kept depending on who our interlocutor is.

– After the sale
It informs that not all of the seller's activity is done after making the sale, but that, once the sale is made, the relationship with the customer must be made lasting, that is, customer satisfaction must be sought so that it can become in a collaborating client. It explains how to act appropriately when faced with complaints.

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