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Keys to training more than 6,000 people in a week

Keys to training more than 6,000 people in a week

First of all:

 Thank you!


Once we have given thanks, which was our priority this week, we are going to tell you the keys that have allowed us to say thank you 6,000 times today. Some of them you already know from other posts and others may surprise you.

The first key is simple: Going where others didn't know they could go. Thus, while other training companies were trying to adapt to the new global context, our clients were clear that they could count on us in this situation because they are clear that we are leaders in educational innovation.


Training them online was something we had always done, so we have been able to do it with the quality that only gives 12 years of experience leading e-learning projects.


The second key is not so easy, but it is essential: Know what our clients will need. Yes, you read it right. It's not about knowing what they need, as that's easy enough with a little active listening. The vital thing is to know what they will need tomorrow. For this, at Grupo Mainjobs we have professionals from all branches of knowledge who, every day and without missing one, analyze reality and look forward to understand what training each and every one of our clients will need next.


At Mainjobs Group we create the future, walking alongside our clients regardless of whether they are Public Administrations, multinationals, small neighborhood businesses or people who need to focus their professional career.


The third key is not to leave any of those 6,000 people alone. Each of our students knows that we will be with them all the way. Because not everyone started the week knowing how to connect to a webinar or understanding how a virtual classroom works and now everyone is trained easily and without wasting time.


They have had a huge team supporting you every minute of this week, as usual.


The fourth key is to understand that no student is an island because learning is also living in society. Thus, when a student enrolls in any of our courses, they know that they will have colleagues to lean on. Because Teachers teach, but you learn from your classmates.


They have formed part of a virtual educational community, to learn better and create (on) team.


The fifth and last key (for this week) is to know what they like: online courses, webinars, video tutorials, video pills, podcasts, WhatsApp Learning, etc. Because you learn more when you study comfortably.


The options are endless and at Grupo Mainjobs we have them all. so that the training adapts to the student and not the other way around.


So, you know, if you are looking for some inspiration and you need what you need, find your solution in our online training catalog:


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