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Digital Competencies Diagnostic Tool

Training diagnostic tools

Training diagnostic tools

Temperature in real time: quantifies and qualifies.

Not all of us are the same nor do we have the same prior abilities or the same personal objectives. ANDl real knowledge, the one that sticks, is only achieved by precisely measuring what is needed, where it starts from, how the knowledge is assumed and how it settles in us. This is how you ensure that the course, workshop, presentation or coaching process does not leave an ephemeral mark, but rather becomes An essential tool in your backpack for everyday life.


At the time, we were pioneers with Self Diagnostic Tool based on the European framework of DIGCOMP, which we created for the telecenter network of Guadalinfo, dependent on Fernando de los Ríos Consortium (participated by the Junta de Andalucía and the provincial councils). And we did it very well. That is why the project CyL Digital, an initiative of the Telecommunications DG of the Department of Development and Environment of the Government of Castilla y León, trusted us in the implementation and dissemination of a digital skills certification platform to citizens, an ambitious project of 18 months of work.

If we combine this Know-how With our multidisciplinary teams, capable of responding to sectors as diverse as aeronautics or healthcare, we are very capable of offering calibration and training diagnostic environments for any productive area.

Did you know...?

The combination of the gamification, personal quantification and achievement-oriented didactic programming is the only feasible tool to avoid abandonment and maximize the results of training actions.

What we offer?

  • Previous situational analysis.
  • Customized virtual work environment.
  • Mobility apps.
  • Big data and Datawarehouse.
  • Technology transfer.
If you have any doubts...